ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable—Catalyzing green chemistry & engineering in the global pharmaceutical industry.

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Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry Marian C. Bryan*, Charlotte Dalton, Alba Díaz-Rodríguez, Jaika Doerfler, Oliver D. Engl, Alejandro Gimenez Molina, Vanessa Harawa, Christopher B. Kelly, Wei Li, Rachel H. Munday, Jan Pawlas, Paul F. Richardson, William J. Smith III, Alan Steven*, Balaram S. Takale, Jack A. Terrett, Daniel S. Treitler, and Mingshuo Zeng., Org. Process Res. Dev. 2023, 27, 4, 563–570. Publication DateApril 4, 2023.

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry Melissa A. Ashley, Miles H. Aukland, Marian C. Bryan*, Megan A. Cismesia, Oliver D. Engl, Pascal S. Engl, Álvaro Enriquez Garcia, Alejandro Gimenez Molina, George Karageorgis, Christopher B. Kelly, Alexandre Leclair, Wei Li, Jan Pawlas, Paul F. Richardson, Alan Steven*, Balaram S. Takale, Mingshuo Zeng, and Yongda Zhang., Org. Process Res. Dev. 2023, 27, 11, 1858-1867. Publication Date: September 13, 2023.

A Chemistry in Water Reproducibility Study: Learnings from a Pre-Competitive, Multi-Company Collaboration Richard Fox, Daniel Bailey, Jennifer Obligacion, Niginia Borlinghaus, Wilfried Braje, Xiaoyong Li, Subha Mukherjee, Adeline Schoen, Timothy Towne, Stella Vukelic., ChemRxiv. 2023. Publication Date: November 17, 2023.

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Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry
Bryan, M.C.; Dalton, C.; Díaz-Rodríguez, A.; Doerfler, J.; Engl, O.D.; Ferguson, P.; Gimenez Molina, A.; Han. Z. S.; Hasford, J.; Howell, G.P., et. al. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26(2), 251-262.

Importance of Green Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry in the Chemical Laboratory
Colberg, J.; Hii, K. K.; Koenig, S. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2022, 10(26), 8239-8241.

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry
Bryan, M.C.; Dalton, C.; Doerfler, J.; Engl, O.D.; Ferguson, P.; Gimenez Molina, A.; Harawa, V.; Hasford, J.; Howell, G.P., Kelly, C.B.; et. al. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2022, 26(9), 2550-2559.

Green and Sustainable Metrics: Charting the Course for Green-By-Design Small Molecule API Synthesis
Rose, H.B.; Kosjek, B.; Armstrong, B.M.; Robaire, S.A. Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 2022, 5, 100324. 

Streamlined Life Cycle Assessment of Single Use Technologies in Biopharmaceutical Manufacture
Budzinski, K.; Constable, D.; D’Aquila, D.; Smith, P.; Madabhushi, S.R.; Whiting, A.; Costelloe, T.; Collins, M. New. Biotech. 2022, 68, 28-36.

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Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities in Oligonucleotide Manufacturing; Benjamin I. Andrews, Firoz D. Antia, Shawn B. Brueggemeier, Louis J. Diorazio, Stefan G. Koenig, Michael E. Kopach, Heewon Lee, Martin Olbrich, and Anna L. Watson. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 1, 49-61. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c02291

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry; Charlotte Dalton, Louis J. Diorazio, Jaika Doerfler, Oliver D. Engl, Zhengxu S. Han, Gareth P. Howell, Jonathan Latham, Wei Li, Mark McLaws, Rachel H. Munday, Antonio Navarro, Michael Parmentier, Jan Pawlas, Paul Richardson, Gheorghe-Doru Roiban, Alan Steven, Jack A. Terrett, Daniel S. Treitler, and Mingshuo Zeng. J. Org. Chem. 2021, Published ASAP. 10.1021/acs.oprd.1c00067

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Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry; Marie-Gabrielle Braun, Oliver Engl, Kenneth Fraunhoffer, John Hayler, Matthew Hickey, Jonathan Latham, Lucie E. Lovelle, Mark McLaws, Paul Richardson, Philipp C. Roosen, Alan Steven, Jack A. Terrett, Timothy White, Jingjun Yin. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 6, 897–908. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00154

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry; Alba Diaz Rodriguez, Charlotte Dalton, Louis Diorazio, Jaika Doerfler, Oliver D. Engl, Matthew Hickey, Gareth Howell, Marc Hutchby, Jonathan Latham, Wei Li, Rachel Munday, Paul Richardson, Philipp C. Roosen, Alan Steven, Jack A. Terrett, Daniel S. Treitler, Timothy White, and Mingshuo Zeng. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 11, 2394-2406. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00456

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A Green Chemistry Continuum for a Robust and Sustainable Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Supply Chain; Stefan G. Koenig, Cisco Bee, Alina Borovika, Christiana Briddell, Juan Colberg, Guy R. Humphrey, Michael E. Kopach, Isamir Martinez, Sudhir Nambiar, Scott V. Plummer, Seth D. Ribe, Frank Roschangar, Jeremy P. Scott, Helen F. Sneddon. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 16937−16951. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b02842

Bringing Macrolactamization Full Circle: Self-Cleaving Head-to-Tail Macrocyclization of Unprotected Peptides via Mild N-Acyl Urea Activation; Christine A. Arbour, Kayla J. Belavek, Rooha Tariq, Subha Mukherjee, Janine K. Tom, Albert Isidro-Llobet, Michael E. Kopach, Jennifer L. Stockdill. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84(2), 1035-1041. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.8b02418

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry, Issue 23; Marie-Gabrielle Braun, John Hayler, Andrew Parsons, Alba Díaz-Rodríguez, Matthew Hickey, Paul Richardson, Louis Diorazio, Lucie Lovelle, Doru Roiban, Kenneth Fraunhoffer, Mark McLaws, Alan Steven. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2019, 23, 6, 1118-1133. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00158

Green Chemistry Articles of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry, Issue 24; Marie-Gabrielle Braun,  John Hayler, Andrew Parsons, Alan Steven, Jonathan Latham, Matthew Hickey, Paul Richardson, Jack A. Terrett, Louis Diorazio, Lucie Lovelle, Doru Roiban, Timothy White, Kenneth Fraunhoffer, Mark McLaws, Philipp C. Roosen, Jingjun Yin. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2019, 23, 2287-2301. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00450

Introduction of a process mass intensity metric for biologics; Kristi Budzinski, Megan Blewis, Philip Dahlin, Daniel D’Aquila, Julia Esparza, Jack Gavin, Sa V. Ho, Clarice Hutchens, David Kahn, Stefan G. Koenig, Robert Kottmeier, Jeff Millard, Matt Snyder, Brad Stanard, Lixin Sun.
New Biotechnology. 2019, 49, 37-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2018.07.005.

Making the move towards modernized greener separations: introduction of the analytical method greenness score (AMGS) calculator; Michael B. Hicks, William Farrell, Christine Aurigemma, Laurent Lehmann, Lauren Weisel, Kelly Nadeau, Heewon Lee, Carol Moraff, Mengling Wong, Yun Huangh, Paul Ferguson. Green Chem., 2019 ,21, 1816-1826. DOI: 10.1039/C8GC03875A

Sustainability Challenges in Peptide Synthesis and Purification: From R&D to Production; Albert Isidro-Llobet, Martin N. Kenworthy, Subha Mukherjee, Michael E. Kopach, Katarzyna Wegner, Fabrice Gallou, Austin G. Smith, Frank Rrochangar. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84(8), 4615-4628. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.8b03001

The PMI Predictor – a Web App Enabling Green-by-Design Chemical Synthesis; A. Borovika, J. Albrecht, J. Li, A. S. Wells, C. Briddell, B. R. Dillion, L. J. Diorazio, J. R. Gage, F. Gallou, S. G. Koenig, M. E. Kopach, D. K. Leahy, I. Martinez, M. Olbrich, J. L. Piper, F. Roschangar, E. Sherer, M. D. Eastgate. ChemRxiv, Preprint 1/16/2019

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